Item Coversheet


Town Council Meeting Date: 12/18/2017 

  1. Agenda item (List as it should appear on the agenda)

    Re-appointments to Planning Board:

    • Michael Donegan for a three-year term to expire January 1, 2021
    • Jason Gomez for a three-year term to expire January 1, 2021

  2. Submitted by (List department and individual, if necessary)
    Town Clerk

  3. Provide a brief description of the item and why it is on the agenda
    Mr. Donegan and Mr. Gomez are the current Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Board and they are both huge assets to the Town.  I routinely get compliments about how well-run the meetings are.  They are impeccably prepared and go out of their way to make applicants and abutters alike feel heard.  They are diligent, respectful, conscientious and smart.  The Planning Board has met 18 times in calendar year 2017 and Mr. Donegan has only missed one meeting (94% attendance rate).  Mr. Gomez has only missed three meetings (83% attendance rate).  I know they are both interested in reappointment and there is no reason for either of them not to continue.  - Lisa Bourbonnais, Planning Director

  4.  Contact person and phone number for questions
    Leigh Carney 401-886-8604