Item Coversheet


Town Council Meeting Date: 10/23/2017 

  1. Agenda item (List as it should appear on the agenda)
    Award of Bid and Authorization of Town Manager to sign a contract for $40,000 with Tischler Bise, Inc., to update the Town's Impact Fee Study and Needs Assessment.  

  2. Submitted by (List department and individual, if necessary)

  3. Provide a brief description of the item and why it is on the agenda
    The Town's Impact Fees are due to be updated.  Legally defensible fees are required to be based on a current needs assessment which is tied to a multi-year capital plan.  Fees were last updated in 2011 and were due to be re-assessed/re-adopted in 2017.  The Town Council budgeted $35,000 last year for the purposes of this study.  The Planning Department issued an RFP at the end of August (due September 15) and only received one bid.  The bidder, Tischler Bise Inc of Bethesda MD performed the Town's original impact fee study/assessment in 2001 and wrote the original draft Ordinance.  Their initial bid was very high but we have negotiated down to the current price, which is $40,000.  

  4.  Contact person and phone number for questions
    Lisa Bourbonnais 886-8644 or Linda Dykeman 886-8608